Kids working for the future of fishing.
William Figley Chairman
Little Egg Reef and Garden State South artificial reefs are some of the most productive and popular fishing spots for the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association boats ( as well as the recreational fleet of southern Long Beach Island and Ocean County…
Fluke and sea bass, tog and bluefish, Porgies Bonita and many other species are caught there every year to the delight of our charter clients. We intend to work to see this continues well into the future.
The State of New Jersey recognized that fish congregate around structures, and fishermen congregate around fish. Under Mr. William Finley’s direction, the state with funding from sport fishing groups and enthusiasts built the current fishing reefs by putting objects on the sand bottom to provide marine habitat. These reefs have attracted and held the otherwise transient fish by providing them a viable environment and food. The fish and the fishermen have thrived.
There was a steady deposit of material on Little Egg and Garden State reefs starting in 1996, but there has been no additional material added to the reefs since 2005. There is natural gradual descent into the sand of some the existing reef structures that provide shelter and feeding opportunities for the fish. Regular maintenance is needed and new patch reefs need to be built so that the prime fishing that we have enjoyed over the years will continue in to the future for our children.
Our Junior Mates have taken it upon their shoulders to spearhead this campaign to revive the regular and sustained building and expansion of our local artificial reefs but they need your help. They need to raise money in order to obtain matching funds from Government and private foundations.
Please donate to the Beach Haven Charter Fishing Association is a 501 c 3, All donations should be tax deductible. But please consult your tax advisor.
Thank you for your generosity.
You can also : Make checks payable to BHCFA Reef Program and mail to:
PO Box 1205
Beach Haven NJ 08008
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